Various coloured stones that are used in landscaping are quarried from our country’s quarries that are located in various locations by mining methods. The landscaping stones in block or rock form are going in pre-crushing process then send to our factory by holding harmless.
Very large land is needed. The natural stones that are quarrying from 18 different quarries working with Pietra Kaikos are stored in bulk. Natural stones that will be used in landscaping are choised from bulk materials by Pietra Kaikos stone masters then being processed according to the required product. Products are selected on rock form in accordance to sizes then washed under high pressure and send to the customers in big bags, metal cages or loose(bulk) in the container depending on customer’s packing choice.
Before loading, checking the stones according to the colour and dimension is crucial.
Tumbled materials are rolled in different methods according to the final product by selecting from stock heaps. The materials bigger than 100 mm are subject to the handling by hand-workmanship after tumbling process. The reason of this process is landscaping stones are not subject to cutting and checking its colours.
Natural stone products that are subject to the handling by Pietra Kaikos workers are put into big bags or metal cages after tumbling process according to customer’s demand then despatch.
Big Bags and metal cages can contain till 1325 kgs of materials in net even some special products may contain lighter due to its light volume depending on natural structure of the stone like Lava Rock.
The products smaller than 100 mm are passing through the sievers in the way of reducing the cracks then sizing.
In addition to above mentioned packing types, small sized products can be put into 20-25 kgs of transpatent bags. Our PP bags in 36 micron thickness and UV degree is 2%, sprocketed (perforated). According to European standards, the pallets are in 1,10 mx1,10 m around 2 cms thickness and fumigated in accordance to the European and USA standards. 20-25 kgs of bags can be put on pallets or into the wooden crates. Wooden crates give maximum protection to the product during the transportation.
In big bag packing, the materials are being ready for transport after checking and weighing. Big Bags can be put on pallets if required in order to facilitate the discharging from container or truck.
All production, packing, handling, loading and other processes are made by Pietra Kaikos staff.
The containers come to our plant to do loadings then send to the Aliaga or Izmir port. The stuffing process are handling by our own staff and containers are sealed as well. So, we prevent careless loading actions at ports and keep our material in good conditions by operating the loadings at our own plant through our own experienced staff.
All precautions are taken in order to protect our products in the container to prevent any damages during the transportation.
We issue all required export documents depending on our customer’s needs including A.TR, EUR.1, Certificate of Origin or FORM A for each country’s customs regulations.
We use following delivery terms depending on our customer’s choices;
-FOB (Aliaga or Izmir ports), FOT
-C&F or DAP (door delivery).
We have good communications with reputable shipping agencies so, we can arrange your loadings to your address including sea and inland freight costs.